Toata saptamana, in fata ambasadei SUA, pe University Ave, manifestatie a suporterilor Tamil!
ok, Sri Lanka, stat condus de un guvern budist (ce cauta budhisti la putere, naiba intelege, ca doar ar trebui sa isi vada de ale lor, de neomorat, de pace si de altele, nu sa conduca guvern calugarii budhisti!) are minoritatea Tamil. Grupul asta e pe lista grupurilor teroriste! Sri Lanka nu recunoaste ca ar avea vreo problema in tara lor, astia aici, Tamilii, lupta pentru separatie!
nu i-a gonit nici ploaia, nu au obosit!
iar, canadienii!
politie in toate formele, in toate culorile, calare pe cai, biciclete, pe jos, in masini, in dubitze...politia ii pazeste! astia canta, urla, cer, pretind, se agita. Politistii cu o cafea de la tim's ii supravegheaza!
traficul e dat peste cap...magazinele din zona sunt pe tamilii demonstreaza! Cica au aprobare pentru 5 zile! Cine le-a dat aprobarea asta?!
Am intrat in tim's dimineata pentru un ceai si o briosa si m-a bufnit rasul. 2 politisti echipati de vara (pantaloni scurti) se incalzeau (5 grade afara) in jurul unei cafele. Nu erau intrati demult, ca inca aveau pielea de gaina pe picioare! Credeti ca gandeau de bine referitor la demonstratia tamila? eu am indoielile mele!
si Tamilii demonstreaza. De cand am inceput eu jobul aici, in fiecare saptamana ei demonstreaza...La inceput a fost noutatea, am citit toate pancardele lor, am simpatizat. Dar acum gata, e prea mult, de ce nu or manifesta ei in fata sediului ONU, eu nu inteleg! si pace!
postez aici reactia torontezilor (scuze de engleza):
But now some sympathetic Toronto residents are getting fed up with all the disruptions, wondering why the majority should be inconvenienced for a select group of people.
CityNews has received a large amount of email from people who understand the cause but not the reasons why a main street should be tied up for so long.
"As someone who works at University and Dundas and experiencing this for the 4th time in the last few months, I'm sick of these protest and disruptions," writes a viewer named Anthony. "Do they realize that they're not gaining any sympathy from anyone by inconveniencing thousands of hard working people? The Tamils in Canada may have a large voice, but not everyone wants to hear it."
"Demonstrations SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED during the work week," insists Jan Runcieman. "These demonstrators are hindering the flow of traffic as well as people trying to get to and from their jobs."
Others are upset that ambulances heading to hospital row at the scene of the protest may be forced to take alternate routes, costing precious time in an emergency.
But the protestors note one lane remains open for those vehicles and they have to get their message through somehow.
"The Tamil community did everything through the democratic way before we hit the streets," relates Sivah Vimal, one of those manning the lines. "We signed the petitions. We talked to our Members of Parliament. We addressed it on the sidewalks and now we are finally forced to go to the streets because the killing of innocent Tamils has not stopped...
"If this was your family, if this was your blood relatives dying, would you not do the same? Would you not do all in your power to try and help them?"
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