Ieri am avut ocazia sa cunosc un om cu suflet deosebit. Stiam ca perechea lui e deosebita, J m-a ajutat mult de cand sunt pe taramuri canadiene. Ieri au venit la masa si asa l-am cunoscut pe S, si copii (cei mai frumosi copii mulatri pe care i-am vazut in viata mea).
S e chaplain la un long term care house. Termenul asta de chaplain era si inca esta misterios pentru mine. J imi mai explicase cat de cat dar totusi, fiind ceva atat de nou, nu am inteles conceptul pe de-a intregul.
Asa ca la masa, despre ce sa vorbesti...Am vorbit de copii, de ai mei, traducand partilor implicate, de scoala lui Victor si inceput sa pun tirul de intrebari pe bietul S.
Prima impresie a fost grozava: a mancat branza cu samantana si mamaliga, apoi sarmalute de parca cu astea ar fi crescut. A baut tuiculitza de a lu mamaie si tataiu si ne-a zis ca in Malawi bautura se numeste caceasu...Si mamaliga fac, dar din malai alb.
Apoi prepelitza a mancat-o cu mana, spre deliciul mamei, care i-a zis (eu tradus) ca mancarea e mai gustoasa mancata cu mana, ca poti sa iti lingi degetele!
Cum J a declarat ca e la WW, si isi numara caloriile (punctele), atunci mama s-a orientat spre S si l-a indopat cu entuziasm. S nu a zis nimic, a mai incercat un protest pe aici, pe colo, dar a capitulat de fiecare data...
Apoi l-am intrebat de meseria lui. Cum poate sa ofere atata compasiune si sa nu i se faca sufletul bucati? Cum, in ce fel alini un om care mai are doar un pic de trait? Cum poate sa aline sufletul celor ramasi?
Monday, August 31, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009
Ma apuca nostalgia si ma apucai sa recitesc postari mai vechi!
Si constat ca sunt o profesionista cand e vorba de vaitat: tot timpul ma vait ca nu am chef, inspiratie, ca nu imi vine sau mai stiu ce chestie negativa!
Si totusi, eu nu sunt asa: sunt o hlizita! Ma bucur de fiecare rasarit de soare, de fiecare priveliste, raza de soare, prima ploaie, prima ninsoare, prim fir de iarba incoltit in gradina!
Si atunci, de unde negativismul asta?
Da, imi vine tare greu cand sunt la necaz, la nevoie, dar in general, viata mea decurge in limite normale, fara drame extreme!
ce-i de facut?
Si constat ca sunt o profesionista cand e vorba de vaitat: tot timpul ma vait ca nu am chef, inspiratie, ca nu imi vine sau mai stiu ce chestie negativa!
Si totusi, eu nu sunt asa: sunt o hlizita! Ma bucur de fiecare rasarit de soare, de fiecare priveliste, raza de soare, prima ploaie, prima ninsoare, prim fir de iarba incoltit in gradina!
Si atunci, de unde negativismul asta?
Da, imi vine tare greu cand sunt la necaz, la nevoie, dar in general, viata mea decurge in limite normale, fara drame extreme!
ce-i de facut?
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Nu Nu am fost in concediu: nu am mai scris din motive de bulversare...
Dar sefa mea pleaca in concediu, si e ca si cum mi-ar da si mie concediu! M-a naucit, si ma astept sa ma nauceasca cand se intoarce la in 10 zile.
Vara asta, din punctul de vedere a vremii, a fost de mare rahat! A plouat mai rau ca la Londra, a fost rece ( chiar si 10 grade noaptea) si plaja am apucat sa fac odata, si asta-i tot! Mor de nervi!
Dar pe cat mi-e mie de urata vremea, pe atat de necajita e sefa mea: pleaca in cruise in Alaska! Cand a bookuit cruise-ul, credea ca va fi o binemeritata gura de aer rece la sf de vara fierbinte. Ei uite, ca nu e asa. Vai sarmana!
Asa ca astept cu bratele deschise (ori nu, adica stand cu ele la piept, ca babele la biserica) si astept sa imi fac treaba slow, fara stres, si fara presiune!
Ai mei mai au putin, cam 2 saptamani, si traiesc sentimente amestecate: pe de o parte imi pare rau ca pleaca, ca ma obisnuisem cu alintul, mancare facuta, dulciuri, curatenie, si tot asa. Pe de alta parte, abia astept sa ma intorc la tabieturile mele, la fixurile mele, la lenevitul meu pe canapea, cu Judge Judy urland la vreun amarat!
Cadouri, vechea problema: ce sa le iau.As scrie o poveste despre asta, dar cum citeste si fratelo, nu vreau sa afle dinainte ce i-am luat (mai degraba ce nu i-am luat)
Inca mai avem de umblat dupa ele, asa ca...
Andrei nu mai merge la calarie. A cazut inca o data, am ajuns la ER, cu amnezie, CT scan, si cu decizia totala ca gata, nu calarie! Inca am cosmaruri, asa ca de data asta nu vreau sa dezvolt!
Cred ca va mai dura pana cand voi putea scrie cum a fost vara cu parintii...Lucrurile trebuie sa dospeasca, acum ma navalesc multe sentimente, ca sa imi dau seama ce a fost haios, ce a fost nu tocmai placut!
Cat despre commuteri: mai, a aparut un asiatic, cu ciorapii gauriti! E tinerel, pana in 30 de ani, si isi scoate picioarele din pantofi cat dureaza drumul pana acasa. Inevitabil are o gaura in ciorapi, indiferent de ce pereche, culoare, pantof poarta! Sa mai zica cineva ca marfa chinezeasca e buna!
Dar sefa mea pleaca in concediu, si e ca si cum mi-ar da si mie concediu! M-a naucit, si ma astept sa ma nauceasca cand se intoarce la in 10 zile.
Vara asta, din punctul de vedere a vremii, a fost de mare rahat! A plouat mai rau ca la Londra, a fost rece ( chiar si 10 grade noaptea) si plaja am apucat sa fac odata, si asta-i tot! Mor de nervi!
Dar pe cat mi-e mie de urata vremea, pe atat de necajita e sefa mea: pleaca in cruise in Alaska! Cand a bookuit cruise-ul, credea ca va fi o binemeritata gura de aer rece la sf de vara fierbinte. Ei uite, ca nu e asa. Vai sarmana!
Asa ca astept cu bratele deschise (ori nu, adica stand cu ele la piept, ca babele la biserica) si astept sa imi fac treaba slow, fara stres, si fara presiune!
Ai mei mai au putin, cam 2 saptamani, si traiesc sentimente amestecate: pe de o parte imi pare rau ca pleaca, ca ma obisnuisem cu alintul, mancare facuta, dulciuri, curatenie, si tot asa. Pe de alta parte, abia astept sa ma intorc la tabieturile mele, la fixurile mele, la lenevitul meu pe canapea, cu Judge Judy urland la vreun amarat!
Cadouri, vechea problema: ce sa le iau.As scrie o poveste despre asta, dar cum citeste si fratelo, nu vreau sa afle dinainte ce i-am luat (mai degraba ce nu i-am luat)
Inca mai avem de umblat dupa ele, asa ca...
Andrei nu mai merge la calarie. A cazut inca o data, am ajuns la ER, cu amnezie, CT scan, si cu decizia totala ca gata, nu calarie! Inca am cosmaruri, asa ca de data asta nu vreau sa dezvolt!
Cred ca va mai dura pana cand voi putea scrie cum a fost vara cu parintii...Lucrurile trebuie sa dospeasca, acum ma navalesc multe sentimente, ca sa imi dau seama ce a fost haios, ce a fost nu tocmai placut!
Cat despre commuteri: mai, a aparut un asiatic, cu ciorapii gauriti! E tinerel, pana in 30 de ani, si isi scoate picioarele din pantofi cat dureaza drumul pana acasa. Inevitabil are o gaura in ciorapi, indiferent de ce pereche, culoare, pantof poarta! Sa mai zica cineva ca marfa chinezeasca e buna!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Sa mai zica cineva ca grasimea nu e buna!
HOUSTON, TX --- An overweight Texas inmate added an additional charge to his sentence, after correction officicers learned he had a gun hidden under flabs of his own flesh.
500-pound George Vera was charged with possession of a firearm inside a correctional facility after he confessed to a guard at the Harris County jail about the unloaded 9mm pistol.
The Houston Chronicle originally reported on Thursday that Vera was arrested on charges of selling illegal copies of CDs.
The 25-year-old Vera was searched during his arrest and again at a city jail and at the Harris County correctional facility but officers never spotted the weapon that Vera had carefully concealed in his fat rolls.
Vera finally admitted to having the gun during a shower break at the county jail.
500-pound George Vera was charged with possession of a firearm inside a correctional facility after he confessed to a guard at the Harris County jail about the unloaded 9mm pistol.
The Houston Chronicle originally reported on Thursday that Vera was arrested on charges of selling illegal copies of CDs.
The 25-year-old Vera was searched during his arrest and again at a city jail and at the Harris County correctional facility but officers never spotted the weapon that Vera had carefully concealed in his fat rolls.
Vera finally admitted to having the gun during a shower break at the county jail.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Iertata-mi fie disparitita de pe blog...Promit sa revin...Pana atunci, sper sa va descretesc fruntile cu 2 articole:
No doubt Prime Minister Stephen Harper is doing fine work on his trip to reclaim the Arctic this week but a simple spelling mistake by his staff is causing much embarrassment.
A news release from Monday of Harper's five day itinerary spells Nunavut's capital as 'Iqualuit' rather than 'Iqaluit'.
That's an easy mistake to make, no big deal right? Well,
Iqaluit = "many fish"
Iqualuit = "people with unwiped bums"
As Sandra Inutiq of the office of the Languages Commissioner of Nunavut told Canadian Press,"It's not exactly a nice term."
OTTAWA - A bumble by the Prime Minister's Office has residents of Nunavut alternately chuckling and cringing.
A news release Monday outlined Prime Minister Stephen Harper's itinerary as he began a five-day Arctic tour.
The release repeatedly spelled the capital of Nunavut as Iqualuit - rather than Iqaluit, which means "many fish" in the Inuktitut language.
The extra "u" makes a big difference.
"It means people with unwiped bums," said Sandra Inutiq of the office of the Languages Commissioner of Nunavut.
"It's not exactly a nice term."
Inutiq said people who speak Inuktitut are sometimes offended or even angered when non-northerners incorrectly spell the name of their capital.
The Prime Minister's Office was apologetic, calling the gaffe a human error that might teach Canadians an important lesson about spelling mistakes.
"Hopefully this unfortunate typo, which we have corrected, will inform the greater public that there is no (extra) 'u' in Iqaluit," said Harper spokesman Dimitri Soudas.
"We obviously strive to have the highest possible standard in terms of spelling and grammar... When typos do occur, and we notice them, we either issue a revised advisory or immediately correct it."
He pointed out that many media outlets have misspelled Iqaluit with an extra "u." At least three, including The Canadian Press, carried stories or photos Tuesday with incorrect spellings.
The initial PMO release was replaced on the prime minister's website by early Tuesday, but not before being noticed by northern bloggers who dished out mockery or scorn.
One even suggested the author should lose his job.
"Ohhh oh, someone's going to get fired," wrote a blogger on a site titled Advocatus diaboli. "And then the other fellow who was supposed to check and proof the release. I would hope so anyway."
Inutiq estimated that nearly half of the correspondence received by her office has Iqaluit misspelled.
"I just received an invitation from a university who did the same," she said.
A quick search of Google on Tuesday revealed more than 100,000 online pages with some reference to the improperly spelled version.
"A quick search of a number of media sites, including our own, shows this is a common error committed by southerners," wrote James Fitz-Morris on a national news agency's media blurb.
"In fact, CBC viewers with a keen eye may spot a strip of red tape across one of our studio backdrops. Across it is typed the word "Ottawa," beneath it is what was originally printed on the backdrop: "Iqualuit."
Known as Frobisher Bay prior to 1987, the city on the south coast of Baffin Island was named capital of Nunavut when the territory was created in 1999.
No doubt Prime Minister Stephen Harper is doing fine work on his trip to reclaim the Arctic this week but a simple spelling mistake by his staff is causing much embarrassment.
A news release from Monday of Harper's five day itinerary spells Nunavut's capital as 'Iqualuit' rather than 'Iqaluit'.
That's an easy mistake to make, no big deal right? Well,
Iqaluit = "many fish"
Iqualuit = "people with unwiped bums"
As Sandra Inutiq of the office of the Languages Commissioner of Nunavut told Canadian Press,"It's not exactly a nice term."
OTTAWA - A bumble by the Prime Minister's Office has residents of Nunavut alternately chuckling and cringing.
A news release Monday outlined Prime Minister Stephen Harper's itinerary as he began a five-day Arctic tour.
The release repeatedly spelled the capital of Nunavut as Iqualuit - rather than Iqaluit, which means "many fish" in the Inuktitut language.
The extra "u" makes a big difference.
"It means people with unwiped bums," said Sandra Inutiq of the office of the Languages Commissioner of Nunavut.
"It's not exactly a nice term."
Inutiq said people who speak Inuktitut are sometimes offended or even angered when non-northerners incorrectly spell the name of their capital.
The Prime Minister's Office was apologetic, calling the gaffe a human error that might teach Canadians an important lesson about spelling mistakes.
"Hopefully this unfortunate typo, which we have corrected, will inform the greater public that there is no (extra) 'u' in Iqaluit," said Harper spokesman Dimitri Soudas.
"We obviously strive to have the highest possible standard in terms of spelling and grammar... When typos do occur, and we notice them, we either issue a revised advisory or immediately correct it."
He pointed out that many media outlets have misspelled Iqaluit with an extra "u." At least three, including The Canadian Press, carried stories or photos Tuesday with incorrect spellings.
The initial PMO release was replaced on the prime minister's website by early Tuesday, but not before being noticed by northern bloggers who dished out mockery or scorn.
One even suggested the author should lose his job.
"Ohhh oh, someone's going to get fired," wrote a blogger on a site titled Advocatus diaboli. "And then the other fellow who was supposed to check and proof the release. I would hope so anyway."
Inutiq estimated that nearly half of the correspondence received by her office has Iqaluit misspelled.
"I just received an invitation from a university who did the same," she said.
A quick search of Google on Tuesday revealed more than 100,000 online pages with some reference to the improperly spelled version.
"A quick search of a number of media sites, including our own, shows this is a common error committed by southerners," wrote James Fitz-Morris on a national news agency's media blurb.
"In fact, CBC viewers with a keen eye may spot a strip of red tape across one of our studio backdrops. Across it is typed the word "Ottawa," beneath it is what was originally printed on the backdrop: "Iqualuit."
Known as Frobisher Bay prior to 1987, the city on the south coast of Baffin Island was named capital of Nunavut when the territory was created in 1999.
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